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Donald Michael Booth
Donald Michael BoothPresident and Master Blender/DistillerMichael Booth Spirits and WineKingsville, Ontario, Canada
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Blue Chair Bay Rum
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Exclusive Interview with Mr. Donald Michael Booth, Master Blender/Distiller of Blue Chair Bay Rums
Every year in August we feature one of my favorite nuts: the Coconut. In my home state, Texas, August is the hottest month of the year and Coconuts to me are so refreshing and really help beat the Texas heat. I got to thinking, who could I interview this month that is known for blending Rum with Coconuts? I didn’t need to search very far… I am very honored to bring to you this interview with Mr. Donald Michael Booth, Master Blender/Distiller of Blue Chair Bay Rums. I want to thank Mr. Booth for taking the time for this interview and allowing me to share his story and passion for this wonderful spirit.
-Margaret Ayala, Publisher
Q: What is your full name, title, company name and company location?
Donald Michael Booth
President and Master Blender/Distiller
Michael Booth Spirits and Wine
Kingsville, Ontario, Canada
Q: What inspired you to get started in the rum industry and how did you become a Master Blender?
Since my University days, I have always had an interest in spirit beverages and how they are manufactured. I began my career working for a large multinational spirits company with head offices located in Canada. They owned many international brands. I worked in several areas of the company and eventually became a distiller/blender of whiskies, rums, gins, vodkas and liqueurs. This base knowledge of many categories, along with having the opportunity to share know-how with many blenders throughout the world in Scotland, France, Japan, USA, Mexico, Spain, Portugal, Italy, the Caribbean and South America, provided a unique and privileged learning experience for me.
I soon learned that repetitive tasting, comparing brands and discussions with other blenders, was the best way to appreciate the means to create superior tasting and smooth products. You cannot study the skills needed to be a Master Blender in school. It is something that is learned with time and experience. Eventually, I became the Master Blender for several major international brands.
My specialization was in whiskies, rums and flavored liqueurs. When I started my own consulting business a few years ago, I decided to concentrate on rums. I enjoyed the places and the people where rums were made and there was also a growing interest in rums in the marketplace, so I had several opportunities for work within the rum category. Rum is a more fun and exotic spirit than some of the other categories like whiskey, liqueurs, gins, vodkas and cognacs. Rum is where I prefer to be at this time, and Blue Chair Bay embodies all of the things that attract me to the rum category.
Q: I understand you have been working with a celebrity in order to develop Blue Chair Bay Rums. How did this relationship begin and what rums have you produced?
I have been working with Kenny Chesney and his team to create the line of Blue Chair Bay Rum portfolio since the inception of the company, and continue to create new flavor profiles as part of the company’s ongoing expansion.
I had worked with Castle Brands of New York a few years ago and blended a special premium rum for them. The Chairman of that company is now Chairman of Savvy Drinks in New York and his team was approached by FLO {thinkery} who was charged with bringing the Blue Chair Bay rums to life. I was asked by Savvy Drinks to be a part of the project and gladly accepted the challenge.
To date, we have created four rum expressions – White, Coconut, Coconut Spiced and Banana.
First is the classic White Rum at 40 percent ABV. This is an ideal rum for preparing classic rum cocktails like Daiquiris and Mojitos, or as the base for more modern and exotic cocktail creations. This rum was blended to be smooth, yet is a clean and refreshing mixing rum with some light rum notes so that it cannot mistaken for a vodka.
Then there are three flavored rums.
The Coconut Rum is at 26.5 percent ABV. The coconut flavor is natural and I believe an accurate expression of the natural sweet coconut taste that is familiar to all of us. The base is 100 percent rum and the strength is slightly higher than most other flavored rums. The additional alcohol content helps to lift the aroma to the nose yet is still low enough to be smooth. This rum is delicious on the rocks or as an essential component of your favorite Caribbean cocktail.
The Coconut Spiced Rum is also at 26.5 percent ABV. The coconut flavor is the same coconut flavor used in the original Coconut Rum. The spice blend is a natural Caribbean blend of nutmeg, cinnamon, clove, vanilla and black pepper. It is therefore quite a complex taste experience and more than just vanilla spice, which is the predominant flavor inmost spiced rums. This rum is smooth on the rocks, as well as an excellent component for some creative original cocktails.
The most recent addition to the line is Banana Rum, also 26.5 percent ABV. The banana flavor is natural and reflects the taste of the Caribbean. The flavor resembles a full flavored ripe banana or one that has been lightly seared or grilled by locals near a secluded beach. It blends very well with the other rums in the line or as a base for a special Caribbean rum punch. It is also very smooth on the rocks.
Q: Is there something unique about Blue Chair Bay rums (the way they are made, ingredients, water, etc…)?
The base rums used to blend every Blue Chair Bay Rum expression are all distilled in Barbados. Barbados light rum is considered to be one of the best quality light rums in the world and the birthplace of rum in the Caribbean. These rums have excellent pedigree.
The rums are aged in barrels housed in warehouses literally located on the beach, where the breezes are fresh and clean and impart the same to the resting rums that are surrounded by this fresh salty Caribbean ocean air. The water used in the preparation of these rums is naturally filtered through coral rock which is indigenous to the island and extremely pure for drinking.
These rums are distilled, blended and aged by rum makers who have been doing this for more than 150 years. They are authentic and are made professionally in all respects.
Q: Does Kenny Chesney have plans for developing additional rums with you in the near future?
Let ’s just say we’re always playing with several new ideas.
Q: During the process of formulating Blue Chair Bay rums, did you take into account the changing preferences in the market?
When we entered into the process of developing these rums, there was definitely a great deal of consideration given to the changing preferences in the market. There was much discussion during the briefing phase on how to deliver rums that would be relevant and fun for the targeted consumers, as well as exciting for bartenders to use in their trade.
Q: How have the rums been received by consumers? Do all rums appeal to the same demographics?
These rums have been well - received by consumers. They have won several quality awards and I know they are selling because I am spending much of my time in Barbados blending new batches to meet the demands of the market. In terms of demographics, rum has a wide appeal to a variety of demographic strata’s, as the beach is one of the universal human loves, and rum and the beach pretty much go hand in hand.
Q: What have been some of the greatest challenges/obstacles you have encountered thus far?
My challenges are always the same for every project. I want every batch prepared to be of the best quality it can possibly be and to be consistent. I have to be always thinking defensively like a surgeon in order to be certain that things do not go wrong.
I can’t do this alone. This is why I always choose my partners carefully and work with suppliers I know and can trust to do things correctly and professionally. Cost is important, but quality and service are more important. Our suppliers have the same outlook on this important issue. I have worked with all of them in the past and know they can be trusted and that Blue Chair Bay Rum is in good hands.
Q: Could you describe to our readers what your average day is like, as a Master Blender. (describe production, quality control, research and development activities, etc...)
What is the day of a Master Blender like? That is a complex question.
In a production scenario, I have to review formulations and make sure the cellar people and I are in agreement on the math.
I then review the sensory quality of each component in the blend to be certain that all are consistent with a reference standard. If there are variations in some, then the formula may have to be slightly adjusted. All of this prep work takes time but it is important to get everything right before we begin the blending of a large batch. There is too much at stake when blending components that have been resting in barrels for years. Mistakes can be costly so must be avoided.
When a blend is complete, I evaluate it personally and if I am pleased with the result I will then employ an independent sensory panel to assess the sensory quality. We use a number of panelists because some may be more sensitive to potential defects and others may not. I read comments from all panelists to make sure there are no red flags in the results. If the results meet specified standards, then the batch is approved for the next step in the process – filtering, bottling or shipping in bulk to a bottler elsewhere.
For me, the reliability of the ingredient suppliers is key, and it’s my priority. I have torely on our suppliers to deliver the same excellent quality every time. It is no different than a chef relying on his suppliers for the quality of his fresh ingredients.
Quality control must be present at all steps in the blending process. Nothing can betaken for granted.
Research and development is a different exercise. The pressures are different. It is usually “speed to market ” where the pressure lies. Sales professional and marketers have critical launch dates that have to be met so there is always pressure to get prototypes created and approved on time to meet plans. In order not to waste valuable time, I have to have clear communications from marketers on what they want. If I can get that, it is not difficult for me to write down a formula and prepare some prototypes for review by the marketers. I can usually get a result first time that is about 90 percent of expectations. If I can get a clear direction on what is missing I can usually get it right the second time. If the marketers aren’t clear on what they want, then it is more difficult and precious time is lost. Face to face communication with the marketers is critical for me to read between the lines to understand what is required.
I have worked with hundreds of marketers in my career so have good instincts for how they think, so can usually get it right if I can sit down with them and ask the right questions.
I spend considerable time communicating with suppliers who I know and who know me. This familiarity saves time and helps to meet deadlines.
I also work closely with the rum supplier and blending company and with the QC department to make certain that their sensory panel is trained and reliable with their performance.
Q: Do you have a favorite cocktail and which Blue Chair Bay Rum would you use to make it?
I like the classic cocktails.
My current favorite is a traditional Lime Daiquiri vintage 1950’s Havana Cuba and Hemingway. Blue Chair Bay White makes an excellent lime daiquiri. I blended it with that purpose in mind. A lime daiquiri is a simple cocktail with simple ingredients but it isn’t easy to prepare correctly.
When I am in Barbados, I ask for a lime daiquiri at every bar or restaurant I visit. It ’s fun to compare and to award the prize to the bartender who does the best job.
Q: If people want to contact you how may they reach you? If consumers want to know where to purchase Blue Chair Bay Rum, who should they contact?
I can be reached at my e-mail DM Booth@sympatico.ca
Blue Chair Bay Rum’s website has a “Rum Finder” where consumers can head to learn where they can purchase each of the rums: ht tps://bluechairbayrum.com/where- to-buy, and they have an app available for both iOS and Android that points you to both on and off premise locations that carry the rum.
Q: Is there a message or comment you would like to share with our readers?
Experience the adventures and the many wonderful journeys that rum has to offer. It is truly a fun and exotic beverage and there is so much joy in learning about it. But pace yourselves while learning, and taste responsibly and in moderation in your education. Enjoy the easy going journey.
Thank you again Mr. Booth, for this interview.
Margaret Ayala,Publisher