Luis Ayala, Editor of "Got Rum?" magazine, Rum Consultant and Founder of The Rum University.
Luis Ayala with Snifter of Rum
Luis Ayala, Rum ConsultantRomancing Rum
There is no distilled spirit in the world capable of capturing the essence of romance the way rum does.
Sunny, tropical countries are by far the preferred destinations for honeymooners, and the memories forged in those seductive settings are usually deeply burnt into their souls. It is no wonder then, that sipping rum cocktails can transport people almost magically into a state of mind where the world is a much happier place.
February is also a special month for those afflicted by cupid’s amorous mischievousness, so we decided to pay tribute to rum and romance by offering you an issue filled with history, lore and even recipes. Learn the secrets behind the world’s aphrodisiacs and practice them wisely with your partner.
For many centuries, alchemists tried to convert lead into gold, to transform the ordinary into extraordinary. I’ve often referred to modern distillers and Master Blenders as present day alchemists because simple sugars can be transformed into magical elixirs under their watchful eyes.
But operating a still alone does not make one Adeptus, just like owning a fine musical instrument does not guarantee one can perform at the highest levels with it.
Distillers, like lovers, must devote themselves to improving the quality of their relationships (with their equipment, their trade and their consumers) if they are to see them flourish and prosper.
All of us at Rum Runner Press would like to wish everyone in the industry a very happy Valentine’s day and a very rumantic 2012.
May your year be filled with joy and your love for rum be reciprocated!
Luis Ayala, Editor and Publisher