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2014 February issue of "Got Rum?" magazine.www.gotrum.com
Early American Rum Cocktails- Part 2
Dr. Ron A. Ñejo talks about early American cocktails and offers a cocktail recipe of "Hot Milk Punch".
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Ron A Nejo Bartender Corner
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Hot Milk Punch
A popular early colonial American cocktail
Early American Rum Cocktails - Part 2
When studying the history of a country, some scholars undoubtedly head to the libraries, to read and reread manuscripts of yesteryear. I, on the other hand, prefer to start by exploring the culinary and mixological legacy of the bygone eras: I head to the bars and pubs!
Early colonial America was a constantly changing landscape. The recipes for their contemporary cookery and drinkery are a window into that time.
Join me as I journey through the best of what has survived, as I explore the drinks that forged and survived the growth of the American nation.
-Dr. Ron A. Ñejo
Early American Rum Cocktails #2: Hot Milk Punch
The following recipe calls for Brandy, but you can safely substitute with a high-congener sweet rum like El Dorado. “Santa Cruz Rum” refers to rum from St. Croix, in the US Virgin Islands, and refers to light amber or white, low-congener rum.
1 Tablespoonful of Fine White Sugar
2 Tablespoonful of Water
1 Wine-glass of Brandy (approx. 4 - 6 ounces)
½ Wine-glass of Santa Cruz Rum (approx. 4 - 6 ounces)
Fill with Hot Milk
In a shaker add all ingredients and f ill shaker with hot milk. Shake ingredients very well and pour into a large bar glass or mug. Grate a lit t le nutmeg on top.
Note: To make this same cocktail as a cold drink, add 1/3 Tumblerful of shaved ice and cold milk. Now you have a “(Cold) Milk Punch”.