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Early American Rum Cocktails- Part I
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Ron A Nejo Bartender Corner
Bartender’s Corner
When studying the history of a country, some scholars undoubtedly head to the libraries, to read and reread manuscripts of yesteryear. I, on the other hand, prefer to start by exploring the culinary and mixological legacy of the bygone eras: I head to the bars and pubs!
Early colonial America was a constantly changing landscape. The recipes for their contemporary cookery and drinkery are a window into that time.
Join me as I journey through the best of what has survived, as I explore the drinks that forged and survived the growth of the
American nation.
-Dr. Ron A. Ñejo
Early American Rum Cocktails #1: Hot Rum Flip
The original recipe calls for one “wine-glass” of rum, which could range between 4 and 6 ounces. Start with 4 and adjust based on taste.
Use large bar-glass, heated
Take 1 tea-spoonful of sugar
1 wine-glass of Jamaican Rum
Yolk of one egg
Dissolve the sugar in a little hot water, add the rum and egg, shake up thoroughly, pour into a medium barglass, and f ill it one-half full of boiling water. Stir gently to mix. Grate a little nutmeg on top and serve.
Dr. Ron is a seasoned bar tender devoted to exploring the many facets of rum. It has been said that he has rum running through his veins! He is used to serving up fine spirits and words of wisdom to all those lucky enough to f ind an open seat at his bar. Fortunately for us, Dr. Ron has agreed to be a regular contributor to “Got Rum?” magazine. He happily answers questions on topics ranging from mixology to relationships and etiquette.