From the Editor
Pumpkins, Goblins and Government
“Got Rum?” readers outside the USA may not be familiar with the way American politicians hold the country hostage during budget negotiations. At the time of this writing, a Federal government shutdown was barely averted, but only momentarily, which means that the madness will be prolonged. It is fitting, I think, that this happens around Halloween, making October a month of gory displays and costumed goblins, most of which are our politicians, who are tasked with governance and planning, but who instead are happy to convert our public institutions into haunted houses.
Changing subjects, but not deviating too far from the seasonal theme, it seems that Pumpkin Spice is taking over the retail industry again, with offerings ranging from Lattes to ice cream! Not to fall behind, we’re happy to share a Pumpkin Spice Rum Cake, that you can prepare and enjoy while you ponder about how soon Christmas carols will start playing on the radio!
The first cool breezes from Autumn always make me stop to look back at the work done thus far this year. It has been a challenging and rewarding year for us, watching our businesses grow and adjusting to multiple transitions on different areas of our lives, but it is all part of life, part of what makes us human.
I hope that you enjoy the start of Autumn, spices and goblins notwithstanding. Here is a lovely poem that sums up my feelings at the moment.
Fall, Leaves, Fall (by Emily Brontë)
“Fall, leaves, fall; die, flowers, away;
Lengthen night and shorten day;
Every leaf speaks bliss to me
Fluttering from the autumn tree.
I shall smile when wreaths of snow
Blossom where the rose should grow;
I shall sing when night’s decay
Ushers in a drearier day.”
Luis Ayala,
Editor and Publisher